Sunday 17 July 2011

Jelly Good Cake

Coffee, i never get bored of it. I wish i could say the same for a lot more things, life would be a lot easier, or wouldn't it? Never mind :)

I was craving for something with coffee aroma, yes again. I stumbled on this one at Aunty Yochana while I was contemplating whether to make a coffee chiffon. This looks fairly light compared to a full blown cake, something that would be delightful in the current hot weather.

A wee bit smarter this time, I am no longer confused or despair when I don't have any lying around when I see the word Kaya. Typically, the word Kaya refers to a spread made from coconut milk and eggs that we Malaysians love on our bread. However, I have learned from previous recipes that there is a tendency to use this word when the combination of ingredients are similar to those used for making Kaya, it does not by all means Kaya as in the end product is used. And it applied to this one too, the green layer was made from coconut milk, sugar and pandan juice without any eggs though.

The first layer was coffee jelly, the second was Kaya (i.e. coconut milk, sugar, pandan juice, jelly and corn flour) while the last layer was vanilla sponge.

Light and refreshing. Nice combination. Yummy! Good as dessert. I think I didn't do a good job on the sponge. There are some parts that looked dense. Otherwise, this cake would have been just perfect.

Source : Aunty Yochana

Ingredients for Sponge Cake
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 gm. caster sugar
  • 70 gm. cake flour
  • 1 Tbsp. Water
  • 1/2 tsp. Vanilla Essence
  • 1/2 Tbsp. Ovalette emulsifier
  • 50 ml. cornoil

Ingredients for Coffee jelly layer
  • 1 1/2 tsp. agar-agar powder
  • 50 gm. sugar
  • 1 tsp. Instant coffee granules (Nescafe)
  • 1/2 tsp. coffee paste (optional)
  • 300 ml. water

Ingredients for Kaya Layer

  • 2 tsp. agar-agar powder
  • 30 gm. cornflour
  • 60 gm. caster sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • 150 ml. thick coconut milk
  • 300 ml. pandan water (blend 5 pandan leaves with water, sieve it and then weigh 300 ml)


For cake
  1. Whisk all the ingredients for sponge cake at high speed except corn oil until it becomes thick and creamy.
  2. Pour in cornoil and let it mix for awhile.
  3. Pour mixture into a lined 10" square tray and bake at 180C for about 20 mins. or until cooked.
  4. When cooked, remove from oven and leave it to cool on a wire rack.
For Jelly Layer (Coffee & Kaya)
  1. Boil all the ingredients for coffee jelly in a pot until agar agar and sugar dissolves. When set, use a fork to scratch the surface.
  2. Pour coffee jelly mixture into a 9" square tray and let it set.
  3. Cook the agar-agar powder and sugar in pandan water for kaya layer until boiling and dissolve. Turn down fire. Pour in coconut milk (mix corn flour into it) until boiling.
  4. Pour on top of set coffee layer jelly.
  1. Place the baked sponge on top of the jelly layer.
  2. Put in the refrigerator to let it set.
  3. Slice and serve chilled.


  1. Very outstanding combination, perfect matching for the presentation and should be tasty.


  2. this sounds something like a pandan layer cake and iknow this is really so fragrant from the coffee jelly and the pandan layer!

  3. AY, Lena : Thanks for compliments and dropping by.

  4. an interesting recipe and sound so good.

  5. Sonia, thanks for compliment and dropping by.

  6. Is it possible to skip the Ovalette altogether or can it be substituted with baking powder/soda?

  7. Hi YM, I am no expert but I do believe in my humble opinion that you can obmit the Ovalette. I tried this out way back but if I were to do it again I will do without the ovalette but making sure the eggs are well beaten. Happy Trying!

  8. This looks heavenly!
    And thanks for making the recipe so easy.
    I love blogs that the methods/directions are easy as 1-2-3.
    Glad I found your blog.

  9. Ade , I'm checking out the coffee jelly recipe . I'm planning to make a coffee cheesecake sometime and I think this coffee jelly will look wonderful on top of it :D I've seen a premix coffee jelly in one of the baking shops here but I think yours sounds easy enough *crosses fingers*

  10. @Anne: I can't wait to see your coffee jelly cheesecake! Better still if i can taste it!

  11. HI there, i tried your recipe yesterday, and it was so good, my mom love it. But i have a problem, my baked sponge cake didn't stick to the jelly. Would you tell me what's the problem?? Thank you

  12. Hi Seerraa,
    Glad that you like the cake. In order for the sponge to stick, don't wait until the jelly layer is fully set before putting the sponge on top. Another trick will be to use a fork to very gently draw some lines on the jelly before laying the sponge on top of it. The lines will create some grooves and make the sponge stick to it better. :)


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