Thursday 25 August 2011

When Mum is Lazy...

Are Mums allowed to be lazy?? All in One Meals, I am pretty good at this especially when the lazy bug bites :) But All in One is pretty cool is it not? Shortcuts and laziness aside, although no frills, these All in Ones are still nutritious and balanced meals, this I don't mess around with. Some thoughts put in to ensure essentials from the food pyramid gets thrown into that 1 lazy dish. Fuss free cooking and fuss free eating too. With mine, I assure you it's almost always a 1 spoon thingy. And you can multi-task while you eat (house rule allowing). Imagine this, laze around the couch, 1 hand holding the plate and the other alternating between the spoon and turning the pages of the newspapers or switching between TV channels with the remote control. Ha, the simple pleasures of life, lest we forget...

With veggies providing fiber and vitamins, protein from the meat and carbs from the rice, all nicely topped with a bright sunny side up egg. Pretty complete, right? The dish is a common chinese stir fried veggie dish, french beans stir fried with minced meat and preserved soy beans.

Honestly, this All in One actually tastes quite good, especially when you served it piping hot. When you cut into the egg, the runny yolk will coat the rice like gravy, you then eat it together with the veggies in big mouthfuls (yes, you heard me correctly, table manners aside bigger mouthfuls give more pleasure). Simple indulgence, a luxury at times :)

Here's the recipe (more or less, it won't hurt)

  • 300 g french beans
  • 3 cloves of garlic (chopped)
  • 200g of minced meat
  • 1 teaspoon of minced fermented soybeans
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fermented black beans (chopped)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 150ml water
  • 1 tablespoon chinese cooking wine

  1. Bring a saucepan of salted water added with 2 drops of oil to a boil, then add french beans. Cook for 2-3 minutes until tender. Drain and soak the beans in ice-cold water for a while. Drain and set aside.
  2. Heat up about 2 tbsp oil, saute garlic until fragrant.
  3. Add in fermented black beans and soybeans, continue to fry until fragrant.
  4. Add in minced pork and stir fry until meat is cooked.
  5. Add in French beans, then sprinkle sugar and mix
  6. Add water. Once water boils, dish is ready.
  7. Add a little chinese cooking wine from the side of the wok (optional).
  8. Scoop on to rice and serve immediately.


  1. the scenario you mentioned above is telling me that you are really very capable of multitasking and at the same time taking a good break! one pot dish is indeed very convenient, you can still make them very delicious and nutritionous and best of all, less cleaning up!

  2. I also like to prepare this kind of one dish meal when lazy bug attack me especially during weekend, hehehe..

  3. Thank God for one dish make all :)

  4. I would not mind having this kind of lazy meal everyday. It looks like a delicious balance meal to me. Enjoy multitasking while you are young. For me, I have passed that stage LOL!

  5. Hi QPC,
    Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment too, nice surprise, u made my day :) I have been silently admiring your blog :)


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