Sunday 30 October 2011

Happy Birthday Papa

Happy Birthday Papa! I am so happy that I managed to make you a cake for the second time.  I was tempted to buy this time around as I was still finding it a little difficult to adjust to some new changes in life leaving me without the mojo and limited time to squeeze in a bake.  Contemplated but I didn't want to break the tradition that I started only 1 year ago.  Like the previous year, I stayed away from creamy cakes simply because Pa was never fond of them.  Chose this fruit bake that I saw at Angie's.  Her photos were simply beautiful.

Angie used Damson plums, I bought a mixture of 2 types of plums that were available in the wet market on that day. I love how it turned out looking so pretty.   It was heavily loaded with plums, all beautifully arranged in circles, it was almost a pity to cover them with streusel.   It smelled so wonderful even when it was still in the oven.  

The taste?   If you like a fruity bake, you would love this one.  The fragrance from the plums itself was already captivating.   Every bite is laden with thick plum slices. The cake was infused with the juice that flowed from the plums.  The streusel toppings gave a crunchy finish to the cake.

All in all, it was a choice well made, a great looking cake with a taste to match which was also a taste of something new to the family.

Hop over to Angie's for the recipe.


  1. Good morning! i'm sure your dad loves this cake very much and most important is that you made it for him! What a wonderful looking cake, really beautiful with lots of streusel topping and lots of love!!

  2. Lovely, I am sure your dad will love this cake as you bake it with all your heart. :)

  3. I know I would love this cake because I love the stone fruit cake that has plums or nectarines in it too! Topped with streusel, this would be even more delicious!

  4. Lena, Hanushi & Jeannie: Thanks for the compliment. Pa did love the cake and I am really glad I made it, nothing like something made with love. I guess that's why we all love making our own food. Cheers, ladies!

  5. Happy belated Birthday to your dad. The cake looks very pretty and healthy too :)
    Have a pleasant weekend.

  6. Thanks Ann! You have a good weekend too!


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