Saturday 17 December 2011

Game for Stinky Food?

Thanks for dropping by, i am curious to know if stinky stuff appeals :) By stinky I mean strong smelling food that some people love but others can't even stand a whiff of it.  Any within your palate?? I am sure some of them would come to mind by now.  I always wonder how they ended up as something edible.  It amazes me how the penchant for stinky stuff is something universal as one can find so many types of stinky food across the globe.  Back home, durians the king of fruits would be on top on list.     There would be other seafood based ones like the belacan (dried prawn paste), cencaluk (shrimp sauce) and salted fish etc.  The Asians (Chinese/Korean/Japanese) would have fermented stuff like tofu, eggs and beans albeit fermented/preserve in their own unique ways.  In the west cheese and fermented fish like those in Sweden or Norway would come to mind.  

Come to think of it, I am quite a 'stinky' person too, I have quite a few favourites, i adore durians and i love the Chinese fermented yellow beans and tofu (aka fu-yee in cantonese).   They are really good as seasoning.  It gives such an exotic flavour to food.  The fermented tofu that i am talking about here is not the one made popular in Hong Kong, which are mostly eaten deep-fried and dipped in sauce.  Now, that one is stinky brought to the next level...this one is a no-no for me :)  The one that i am talking about is little cubes of tofu that is soaked in brine and bottled. When mashed it has a creamy texture.

So, allow me to share this chicken dish that is made with a tiny bit of stinky stuff.  Give it a try, it's not that stinky. Actually it smells and taste good with a combination of some chinese wine, soy sauce and honey to give it a nice blend of flavours. Enough to say little one had 2 bowls of rice with this :)

Source : Christine's Recipe (with changes to liking)


  • 600 gm chicken pieces
  • 1 piece fermented beancurd, mashed into paste (chili fermented)
  • 1 tsp Shaoxing wine
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 3 slices ginger

  • Seasoning

  • 1 Tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp dark sauce
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 100 ml water

  • Steps
    1. Heat oil over medium heat. 
    2. Add ginger and fermented beancurd paste, saute to fragrant. 
    3. Add chicken. Stir to combine and cook until both sides are light brown. 
    4. Pour in wine and quickly stir to combine. Add seasoning. 
    5. When it boils, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until chicken is cooked and sauce thickens. 
    6. Stir in honey (use enough to liking).
    7. Enjoy!


    1. of all those you mentioned above, my stinky stuff would be salted any forms..braised, curry , fried..etc. I also like the way you cook this chicken..sometimes i cook it with pork and add some black fungus.

    2. thanks for your wishes! Happy holidays and have a great 2012 ahead!!

    3. I love this stinking tofu too so I would find this dish very flavorful:) Happy holidays:)

    4. Hi, love your blog .. pls tell me where u got yr jelly shapes and containers. Love them!!!

    5. @Liann: Thanks for dropping by and the compliments :) The ones for Mid-Autumn mooncake jellies can be bought at most baking ingredients store but if it's the maple leaf one that u see on the photo slide, that was from crate & barrel US. Not sure where you are but I hope u find them, let me know if u need help.

    6. Hi, thanks for info. I am in Singapore. Will look and let u know if I need more help. Have a great new year ahead. Cheers!

    7. Hihi ... back to the jelly molds, I searched but could not get the dragon mold in Singapore. Wonder if you could help ... name of shop so that I could email them. I am thinking of using this mold to make a surprise birthday cake for my sister, who is a "dragon" in 2012!!! Appreciate your help and thanks in advance. Cheers!

    8. Need more rice this yummy dish. Happy New Year 2012!

    9. Happy new year and a great year in 2012! :)

    10. @Liann: Will go to the shop and try to try as much as i can. Will keep you informed :)

    11. Happy New Year! I wish you an amazing, healthy, full of love and happy moments 2012!
      Love your blog!
      Nice finding you!
      Visit me at:

    12. Happy 2012! Best of luck and great wishes for you and your family!

    13. Hi, thanks again and I am keeping my finger crossed.

    14. Liann,
      The shop wasn't interested in doing mail orders, i bought the mould for you, drop me a mail and we can make some arrangements to send it to you :)

    15. Hihi, you are very kind! Wonderful! What is your email? Will email you soon. Kamsiah Kamsiah.

    16. @Liann: Email me at

    17. Hihi ... I wrote you a few days back via email. Guess you are busy with CNY. Please let me know the cost and how I could pay you. Many thanks.

      Cheers, Liann

    18. Dear Chueymin

      I have emailed you earlier. Please let me have your address so that I could send you the $$#. Many thanks.

      Best Wishes


    Thank you for visiting, it would be great to hear from you too