Saturday 14 January 2012

Blissful Happiness

If you have read my previous post, you would know I was awfully late for Christmas, so I promised myself  I must have something up for the Chinese Lunar New Year before it arrives.  The Chinese have this tradition of ushering in the new year with lots of auspicious sounding dishes especially during our reunion dinner.  These dishes come mostly with an ingredient that has an auspicious sounding name. Prawns is one of them, it's Cantonese name "Ha" sounds like HAHAHAHA...when one is happy and in laughter or what we also know as LOL in the modern lingo today :)

All set to put something with the 'hahaha' element on the reunion table, I tried out this prawn dish that I saw in our local daily.   I thought it was a refreshing break from other more common styles like butter, ketchup, pepper etc etc and I always love dishes with a fruity twist.  So, Orange Marmalade Prawns was interesting to me.  Verdict? Me and hubs love it but unfortunately little one didn't really like it.  He prefers butter prawns, I suspect it is because orange marmalade has a slight bittery taste that children might not like.  So, will this dish get a spot on the reunion table?? We shall see...

Next came the task of coining a name for it since the dish and its name is equally important for CNY.  Not superstitious but it is all part of the CNY fun, that's how it is for me at least. It never fails to put a smile in my heart when I come across some auspicious sounding dish, it's all about appreciating the creativity behind it. When I saw my "friend" posted on Facebook that she is "Blissfully Happy", i thought, yes..., isn't happiness the bottom line in life? Ultimately, that's all that matters, isn't it? Only when one is happy can one LOL from the heart, so I thought I would name this dish Blissful Happiness hoping that the "Ha" in the prawns will bring us lots of  happiness (If you are reading, thanks for the inspiration).  So, come roaring in dragon and bring us all Blissful Happiness :)

Source : Amy Beh,

  • 500g medium large prawns with shell
  •  1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • Cornflour
  • Oil for deep-frying

  • 1 tbsp chopped cili padi
  • 1 orange, shred rind finely
  • 1 tbsp chopped ginger

(C) Sauce
  • 3 tbsp orange marmalade (jam)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 125ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • Thickening 1 tsp cornflour mixed with 1 tbsp water 

  1. Wash prawns and trim the feelers. Season prawns with salt and pepper with a little cornflour.
  2. Heat oil and fry prawns till just cooked. Drain and leave aside.  
  3. Leave 1 tbsp hot oil in the wok and fry ingredients (B) till aromatic.  
  4. Add sauce (C) and bring to a boil.  
  5. Return prawns to the wok and fry until sauce coats evenly over the prawns and the gravy is reduced. 
  6. Add thickening if required.  (Didnt add any, prefer the dish with some gravy)
  7. Dish out and serve.


  1. Thanks for your support and giving your dish such an aupicious name! Looks very yummy too!

  2. Lol from the bottom of my heart =) Wishing you, hubs and not-so-little one blissful hahahahaha-ppiness!!!

  3. infact i have bookmarked this from kuali 2 days ago..thinking whether to cook this during cny or not. The orange marmalade sounds tasty to me.

  4. @Elpiniki:Thanks for the compliment :)
    @Wen: Thanks for dropping by and the compliments.
    @TheBoss: Wishing you a hahahahaha-ppiness too!
    @Lena: You should try, it's tasty :)

  5. What a thoughtful name for this beautiful dish! Wishing you and your family a happy, prosperous and blissful Chinese New Year.

  6. Lovely and beauty dish, look amazing!

  7. This dish look so delicious . May this dragon year bring you a lot of Ha Ha and goof health .

  8. This auspicious dish sounds delicious and fruity:D Wishing you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!

  9. @Gloria: Thanks for dropping by, nice to have you visiting and the compliments too!
    @Sonia and Jennie:Thanks for compliments. Wishing both of you a great dragon year too!

  10. @Zoe:Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family!


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