Thursday 8 March 2012

Morning Glories

Morning Glories? Yes, u heard me correctly, and most probably the first thought that would come to your mind would be "isn't that a flower?"  That was what came to my mind too, the simple but pretty  flower that comes in striking shades of pink, blue and purple.  Until I got to know that there's a muffin that is known as Morning Glory muffins too.  when I came across them here while looking for something quick and easy plus healthy for breakfast.  Looking at the list of ingredients,having one of them for breakfast would indeed make a glorious start to any mornings.  Wonder if that's how it got its name.  Strangely I couldn't find much about its origin (how it got its name and where did the recipe came from) although it is quite popular.

There's a lot of goodness in these muffins, to start off,  there's whole wheat flour, wheat germ,  loads of fruits (carrots, apples, shredded coconut, orange juice) seeds and nuts too.

Made some variations (used whatever I had in my kitchen).

  • Shredded coconuts ~ nutmeg strips
  • walnuts ~ Almonds 
  • Whole wheat flour ~ Cake Flour
  • 1 cup sugar ~ 3/4 cup
  • Wheat germ and Sunflower Seed instead of Wheat germ or Sunflower Seed
Verdict?? Glorious Indeed! It's a pity I was too lazy to use an ice-cream scoop to scoop the batter into the cases, so it's a rather flat top :(


  1. i remember seeing a morning glory cake in one of my books too, they dont have a pic but i think almost the same ingredients..some fruits and oats..really nice to start the day with these wholesome muffins!

  2. Looks so delicious! Have a nice weekend!

  3. Love this wholesome and versatile "morning" glory muffins! What a great way to start a day.

  4. Sounds like a very healthy treat for breakfast! I wouldn't mind having that for my breakfast either!


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