Tuesday 7 August 2012

Berrilicious Buns

Been awhile since I made some buns.  One needs a fair bit of time on hand for bread making, what more buns where extra effort is needed for fillings and shaping too.  With the bonus of a public holiday following  a weekend, I took the opportunity to make (and blog about) these over  the weekend.

I prepared the dough using the sponge dough method. This method yields bread that is soft but yet able to give a texture to the bite. Was undecided about the fillings when I started off.  

I proof them in tart pans, love the fluted edge effect.  Price to pay to look pretty (yes, for buns too), pans need to be greased and don't forget the washing that comes with it!

A peak into what's inside...fresh strawberries with cream cheese.   Probably, the thing running in your mind now would be "I don't see any strawberries..."  That was in my mind too when I split the bun as in "Hey, where did my strawberries go?"  Probably I cut them too small and they melted and blended into the cream cheese! Nevertheless, the taste and fragrance was evident.

Another variation with cranberries instead of fresh strawberries in their fillings.

Source : Bread Magic by Alan Ooi for dough, Mix and match for fillings

Ingredients for bread dough 
Part A
  • 200gm  bread flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 120 ml water 
Part B
  • 150gm  bread flour
  • 60g sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 1 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 50g butter
Ingredients for fillings
  • 125 gm cream cheese
  • 50g sugar
  • Fresh strawberries/dried cranberries

Methods for making bread dough
  1. Combine ingredients for Part A.  Mix until soft dough formed.  Leave dough covered in a bowl and let it proof for 2 to 3 hours.
  2. After 2/3 hours,  combine ingredients for Part B.  Add in dough from no. 1.  If dough appears dry, drizzle in a little water.  Mix and beat until dough is smooth and elastic to touch.
  3. Cover dough for 30 minutes in a warm place until it has doubled in size.
  4. Divide the dough into 40g portions and shape them into small balls and rest them for 5 minutes.
  5. Flatten dough portions, wrap in some filling.  Seal edges and place on a baking tray.
  6. Cover tray with damp cloth and proof till double the size.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 15 minutes.

Method of making fillings
  1. Combine cream cheese and sugar. 
  2. Beat with mixer.
  3. Divide into half, mix one part with strawberries and the other with dried cranberries.


  1. Hi, your bun look so cottony soft. Love the filling great combo. The first picture of the bun look so cute.

    Have a nice weekend.

  2. you know , i was just considering making a filling bun like this that i saw in alex goh's book and that comes with some streusel topping. I like that you used the tart to proof the buns, makes them prettier, i need to steal your idea:)

  3. Wow , love your buns! Look so soft and beautuful in shape. Long time ago I did bun with tart mould too but I have forgotten till see yours . I must try you bun recipe with my favourite cranberry and cream cheese filling.

  4. Sorry, you wrote proof 2/3 hours is 2 to 3 hours right?

  5. Hi Sonia, thanks for visiting and the compliments. Yup, it's 2 to 3 hours, sorry for the confusion :)

  6. I have never made buns. But I really can't believe I haven't, these look fantastic!!

  7. Hi Cathleen, nice to have you visitting and thanks for the compliments. Will pay you a visit soon :)

  8. Great-looking, so soft and round... Hehe...

  9. @Hanushi, Thanks for compliments and dropping by!

  10. Hello the buns looks very soft. Can we use all purpose flour instead of bread flour.

  11. @Nisha: Thanks for dropping by, glad to see you here :) I think you can use AP flour too, at the most the bread will be softer but less chewy because of the lower protein content in AP flour. I hope this helps.

  12. Thank you dear..I need the buns to be soft...


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