Tuesday 30 October 2012

Terengganu Delights

You might have come across some specialties from the states of Malaysia in the blogsphere the past few months, I think this is the 3rd month if I am not mistaken.   An online event, the Malaysian Food Fest that aims to introduce culinary specialties from the 14 states in the country is ongoing and October is Terengganu month and hosted by Lena of Frozen Wings.   An event worth following, you will get to know many mouth-watering dishes, after all eating is known as one of our favorite pastimes :)

Before this, it was always the beautiful sandy, crystal clear beaches that comes to mind whenever this state is mentioned.   Then comes the Keropok Lekor and Nasi Dagang, now I know there are so many more!  Intrigued by  dishes shared by Phong Hong of Phong Hong Bakes, with recipes coming from  her family's heirloom,  I tried 2 of her recipes Kay Hong and Kay Pachok.   Hints of Nyonya influence from the name of the dishes and the ingredient list was the other thing that caught my attention.

I first tried the Kay Hong which means Braised Chicken in Hokkien.   The original recipe calls for a mixture of chicken and pork belly.  Unfortunately, I only had pork ribs and belly on the night that I chose to try out the recipe, so it was pork ribs instead :)  I am not sure if this twist will deem it unacceptable for submission to the event.  Anyway, it turned out delicious.

This other dish is Kay Pachok, Kay like Kay in 'Kay Hong' means Chicken in Hokkien and as for Pachok, it's the Terengganu Malay dialect for skewer, so it's Chicken on Skewers when put together.  Similar to Satay, another meat on skewers specialty but the spices used are different and this one is lightly steamed before hitting the grill.

Verdict? They were delicious!

Kay Pachok behind a veil?  I love this improvised Malay style food cover :) 

Kay Hong without the Kay?

Recipe source - Credit to Phong Hong of Phong Hong Bakes

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Terengganu Month hosted by Lena of frozen wings 


  1. hi ade, tell you something, the kay hong is the most popular dish in the terengganu food fest this month and i know it is very delicious cos those who tried gave thumbs up! i'm really glad you tried too and also the kay pachok, that's one of the aims of MFF, to inspire and encourage us to replicate the food. LOve that food cover!! Thanks for your entry!

  2. Hi, your kay pachok and bak hong look delicious, can have extra rice to go with it. LOL

    The food cover look very nice too.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  3. Wow! Thanks for trying out the recipes. I am happy that you like them both!


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