Wednesday 21 November 2012

Sis, I saved you from piling on the pounds...

Birthdays are meant for indulgence, aren't they? Even when it is not yours :)  Made these for  my sister on her birthday but since she's too far away, I had to do the eating for her as well.     

This is really chocolate overload, five to be exact, starting with it being a chocolate cupcake, followed by Andes chocolate baking chips sandwiched into the cake then topped with chocolate rice, M&M baking chips and a whole piece of Andes chocolate.  I feel the pounds even while writing this down! Guilty, but it was down right heavenly if you are a chocolate lover.  Sis, I did you a big favour by piling on the pounds to myself!!

The chips that she sent (which was meant for making some Christmas treats) came at the right time when I was still craving for the Andes chocolate cupcake that I saw at Amelia's just about a week ago.  There was no excuse not to try baking one for myself...oops for my sister, I meant :))

For the cupcake, I followed Amelia's recipe (almost to a T) except that I omitted the peppermint essence and 3 tbsp of Baileys.  The texture looks a bit heavy (unlike Amelia's) but wasn't really so when eaten.  Hmm, I wonder why, lack of moisture perhaps?   It was soft though.

As for the frosting, it was cream cheese as I wanted a contrasting color to make the little extra treats stand out.

Overall, this cupcake coupled with the frosting is just pure indulgence! The piece of Andes and M&Ms chips really topped it all!

Source : Amelia's De-ssert

Note : The below is half of the original recipe which yields 6 cupcakes 
  • 75g butter
  • 100g sugar (originally 110g)
  • 1 1/2 eggs
  • 113g self raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 25g cocoa powder
  • 125ml warm milk
  • Andes mint baking chips
  1. Preheat oven to 185C.
  2. Sift flour and bicarbonate of soda twice.
  3. Sift cocoa powder and mix with warm milk until well blended.
  4. Cream butter and sugar until creamy.  
  5. Add in egg and make sure well mix. Do not overbeat.
  6. Add in flour and cocoa mixture alternately.  Mix well for every addition.
  7. Fill cupcake liners half full.   Add mint baking chips and top with more batter until 3/4 full.
  8. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Source : Your Cup of Cake
Note : The below is a quarter of the original recipe with some variations

  • 60g cream cheese
  • 22g butter
  • 1/2 cup icing sugar
  • 1/4 tsp milk or cream
  1. Beat cream cheese and butter until fluffy.
  2. Add sugar and cream, beat well.
  3. Pipe cream onto cooled cake and decorate as preferred.


  1. I am like you, I baked birthday cakes for my sis eventhough she stays thousand miles least she can see the bday cakes thru the blog. Anyway, it the thought that count. I saw this mint cupcakes at Amelia's ....and i believe this is a good cake to indulge all by ourself...hee...heee

  2. You're such a good sis ! :D These yummy and chocolaty cupcakes are not that calorific ! lol

  3. what a funny title for this post :) i have been wanting to try this recipe from Amelia for a while, still havent gotten down to it yet. Ahh.. your assemble looks good too!

  4. hey, you saving your sister from piling the pounds and yet torturing leh..she can see but cant eat! LOL! indeed very chocolatey but if it's delicious, i wouldnt mind at all! fattening??okay, just 2 will be good for me then :)

  5. @Mel: I think our sisters do appreciate the thought, don't they?

    @Anne: Guess have to put aside the calories for awhile. Can't have cake and eat it, can we? :)

    @Esther: Yeah, have to be funny that way with my sister to forget about the distance between us for awhile :)

    @Lena: Hahaha, i like your sense of humour!

  6. Haha, if I was your sister I would totally make this for myself anyways. This looks SO good.

  7. too bad your sister only can visual eating this cake..hehehe..

  8. You are torturing your sweet, loving sister =p

  9. It's a good excuse isn't it? Hah! Hah!

  10. Helping your sis??? I will feel "tortured" seeing all these delicious cakes but can't eat...

    Nevertheless, it is the thought that counts :D

  11. Hi, thanks for the mention. Sorry I'm late in arriving cos I missed the train. LOL

    Glad to see you baked this cuppies. Yours look extremely delicious cos it's overdose with chocolate. Very chocolatey but eat first and count the calories later. I love your overdose version. :)

    P/S You can replace the bailey with milk. Have a nice day.


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