Sunday 3 March 2013

Easy Dinner with Soy Sauce Chicken

Hello, there! To those who celebrated Chinese New Year, I hope all of you had great fun and had a wonderful time with loved ones.  Mine was awesome, one of the greatest in 10 years.  There's nothing like having everyone back home for the festival, only then will reunion dinners lift up to their true meanings.   The joy brought by their presence was enough to warm hearts like no other.   Priceless moments...a good start for the year.  May the Year of the Snake bloom into one with lots of joy, love and happiness for all of us! 

In the fun and festivities, this blog has definitely been neglected.   There were a lot of buzz in the kitchen no doubt, but I am going last in first out for this time while i figure and sort out those done over CNY.

We had this soy sauce chicken, a traditional chinese dish with some mee suah for dinner just a few nights ago.  Apparently I planned for it to be a light but looking at it now I am not too sure if light it was BUT we enjoyed it for sure.  Thanks to Esther for the inspiration and the recipe.  I love her fuss free recipes :)

Followed her recipe almost to a T except for some substitutions and omissions for those items that I didn't have in my kitchen.

Soy sauce chicken eaten with an egg plus some blanched chinese mustard leaves and a dollop of sambal belacan over mee suah drizzled with some leftover sauce.  Yummeh!

I am submitting this dish to Aspiring Bakers #28: Chicken Feast (February 2013) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker.



  • 3 Chicken legs, about 800g (2 chicken legs, about 600g)
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • 100ml good quality light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 500ml water (+/- 650ml)
  • 60g rock sugar
  • 5 fat cloves of garlic
  • 2 stalks spring onion, cut into 2 inch strips (oops, i forgot this!) 
  • 2 inch ginger, smashed
  • 2 star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick (about 1.5inch)
  • 10 white peppercorns
  • 1 large piece of dried orange peel (zest from 1 orange)
  • 1 small liquorice stick ("ganchao") (omitted)
  1. Rinse and pat dry chicken with kitchen towel.
  2. Using a heavy flat based stainless steel pot (big enough to fit chicken without overlapping), heat the oils and gently fry the aromatics until fragrant.  Pour all the liquid seasonings and bring to a boil.  Turn down the fire and let the sauce simmer gently for about 10min. 
  3. Add the chicken legs, make sure the sauce completely covers the chicken.  If there is not enough liquid, add more water.  Let it simmer as gently as possible for about 40min.  
  4. Remove the chicken and test for doneness. Let it rest for about 15min.  
  5. In the meantime, adjust the taste of the gravy to preference (I found it just right).
  6. Chop the chicken to smaller pieces.  I cut each leg to 3 pieces (Not going to risk breaking up the meat or causing bone splinters with my not so good chopping skill).

    Egg Preparation
    1. Put the preferred number of eggs in a small pot.  Fill pot with enough water to cover eggs by 1 or 2 inches.
    2. Let water in pot come to a rolling boil for 2-3 minutes.  Turn off heat and cover pot and leave eggs in hot water for 10 minutes.  
    3. Drain hot water and fill pot with cold water to stop cooking process.  
    4. When cooled, peel eggs.
    5. Simmer the eggs in the left over sauce for 20 minutes.

    Noodles Preparation
    1. Rinse mee suah in cold water.
    2. Blanch mee suah in boiling water to cook it.
    3. Drain then drizzle some leftover sauce on mee such.
    4. Serve with chicken, egg and blanched mustard leaves top with some sambal belacan.


    1. Hi, Glad to know that you had an enjoyable CNY celebration. Good to see you back in action.

      Your soy sauce chicken look so tempting and is finger licking good. Look so moist and yummylicious. I like that plate of noodle with drumstick. Yum yum.

      Have a nice weekend.

    2. Your soy chicken look so tender and tasty. Lip smacking!

    3. This post is a reminder that I must cook this soon. Looks simple to prepare but I like the meat texture of your soy sauce chicken. Goes so well with blanched noodles and vegetables. Thanks for reminding.

    4. That reminds me I wanted to try Esther's recipe. Your soy sauce chicken sure looks delicious. It is one of my favourite chicken dishes. I usually buy it from a restaurant near my office. Time to make my own :)

    5. Hi Adeline, thanks for the shout-out :) so happy that you like this recipe, your chicken looks superbly done, and the plate of mee suah looks soooo inviting, i'm gonna be hankering for mee suah for the next few meals:)

    6. That soy sauce chicken looks mouthwatering ! The last photo is my fave :D The sambal is a must !

    7. Hi Adeline,

      Nice to know that you had a wonderful CNY celebration. Being another working day in Melbourne, CNY seems like an ordinary day for us... not much CNY atmosphere...

      Your soy sauce chicken looks wonderful and we will be happy eating this for CNY and also everyday.


    8. hi adeline, glad to hear that you had a wonderful cny. wow, one of the best..reunion dinners, gatherings, eat, eat and eat! i did not go out that much during cny but mostly being around with friends . I have to say your soy sauce chicken looks fantastic..i mean the skin was so evenly coated with soy sauce, i really need a bite. I just did some chicken dishes yesterday, i totally forgot abt ab's theme, guess i can submit it in .

    9. This is so yum! The chicken looks so juicy and tender.

    10. Thank you for dropping by and all the compliments ladies!

    11. That looks like a perfectly done chicken. I prefer this over fried chicken. Wish I could taste your soya chicken now:)

    12. Looks yummy.... ;) Will definitely try this

    13. Soy sauce chicken is one of those simple, delicious dishes that we love. -Yen

    14. I am so hungry now looking at your plate of noodles with chicken and eggs, wish I can have this for my breakfast .

    15. This looks really delicious! Simple recipe too! Indeed with eggs is much yummier!


    16. @QP : Yes, it is definitely a healthier option compared to fried chicken.

      @Abbygail : Hey, nice to see you around :)

      @Yen: Thanks for dropping by, pleasant surprise.

      @Sonia:Nice breakfast it will make huh?

      @HBS: Thanks for compliments!

    17. This dish reminds me of the one my mother in law used to cook...:) hers is very simple without the condiments but still delicious!


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