Monday 13 May 2013

Slowly but Surely

Again, I have been playing the disappearing act for quite some time, can't help it magic seems to be one hot topic being talked about on home ground now.   For those who have been following stories on the 13th Malaysian General Election, you would know what i meant :)  Jokes aside,  my apologies for the absence.  Although personally I am disappointed with the results but judging from the voice of the people who are standing in unity for a better nation in a way I would never have imagined, I believe  there is hope still, we will get there, slowly but surely just like this post of mine :)

This story has been in the baking for quite sometime now...

I stumbled upon this recipe when I was looking for something simple to bake one evening.   Something that would be fast and easy and preferably a small recipe so that I don't need to do any downsizing.   Then i recalled Aspiring Bakers had a Cupcakes theme some time back.  These 2 words, One Bowl and Ultimate spoke to me while i was scrolling through all the lovely cupcakes.   The roundup for these events as really helpful when in need of inspirations, it's like a treasure chest out there waiting to be discovered. 

Thanks to Janine of Not the Kitchen Sink (now known as Un Pastiche) who shared this recipe for the event.  Janine rated this as one of the top three out of the many chocolate cupcake recipes that she has tried.  Do check out Janine's blog for a detail review of the recipe.  From there I also got to know that this recipe by Angela Nilsen was published on BBC Good Food way back in 2007.  It has a 5 star rating and to date there has been over 800 reviews for it.  Now, since the recipe is quite old, I am not sure if many have tried it out.  But for me, the raving reviews and simple steps, was convincing enough to make me give it a try.

It was close to dinner time when they were ready.  I told myself i will just have a tiny weeny bite to taste it.  But holy, i couldn't stop at one! Then came another and the other, I ended up almost finishing the entire thing!  Need I say more???

I didn't have any chocolate bakings bars at home at that time so I used Lindt Creation La Turf chocolate bar instead.  Close to half of a bar went into these cupcakes.    Apart from the excellent recipe, I really believe the chocolate made a difference.  Simply divine, it was so so moist, soft, fragrant, chocolaty creamy!

It really does lift up to its name, ultimate indeed!  Thanks Janine! 

Up close, topped with some chocolate shavings...

Source : Spotted on Un Pastiche who  very loosely adapted from BBC Good Food's Ultimate Chocolate Cake

  • 50g dark chocolate (at least 50% cocoa solids)
  • 50g unsalted butter, cubed
  • 1/4 tsp instant coffee granules, dissolved in 25ml water
  • 45g all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 35g soft brown sugar
  • 40g fine granulated sugar (reduced to 30g)
  • 7g cocoa powder
  • 1 egg
  • 20ml buttermilk (substituted with 18ml milk, 5ml lemon juice)
  1. Preheat oven to 160C (I used 170C).
  2. Place coffee granules in a large metal bowl over pot of simmering water.  Add in cold water to dissolve coffee granules.  Add in chocolate pieces and butter.   Add in cocoa powder.  Stir gently until everything is melted and well combined.   Allow mixture to cool.
  3. Meanwhile combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and sugar.
  4. Stir in buttermilk  into melted chocolate mixture and mix well.  When mixture is still slightly warm, crack in egg and mix well (Make sure it's not hot otherwise egg will cook).
  5. Once egg is fully incorporated, add in dry ingredients and mix well.
  6. Spoon batter into prepared liners and baked for 20 minutes.


  1. Very interesting , your election there :) It's worst back home :P Never mind , just relax and cook ..... I love BBC GoodFood site ! Loads of easy recipes that actually works :D Those cupcakes look decadently rich and yummy ! Good quality chocolate always makes a difference .

  2. Hi, good to see you again after doing the 'magical disappearing' LOL
    Very nice and moist chocolate cake,very chocolatey.

    Have a nice week ahead.

  3. I'm glad you tried the recipe and enjoyed it! :) I have not tried it with reduced sugar like you have, but seeing how moist yours are, I'm definitely going to reduce the sugar in my next bake!

  4. @Sonia: Thanks for dropping and the compliment :)

    @Anne: Interesting huh, the ugly side of things normally get wider and faster coverage. Thanks for dropping by and compliment :)

    @Amelia: Ah, yes i am a fast learner :)) Thanks for dropping by and compliment :)

    @Janine: Thanks to you for sharing the recipe on AB. I reduced the sugar because i was using a normal chocolate bar and not sure if it'll be too sweet. Thankfully it turned out well :)

  5. You have got me excited about this recipe! Have bookmarked to try :)

  6. The muffins look really moist and beautiful. Love your tablecloth too.

  7. These looks so chocolatey and moist!! Cant contain ourselves!!!

  8. Lindt creation la turf choc? i'm not sure which one but must be very expensive!! how nice if the moment we eat these cupcakes now and then the next moment we see magic...hehe..


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