Friday 27 September 2013

Give me a Yeehaw!

I have been wanting to participate in the Cook Like A Star blogging event but somehow it never happened until today despite the event going on for awhile already.  I find it a good introduction to dishes by quite a few celebrity chefs, some that i only got to know through this event :)

It's Ree Drummond this month, and I managed to try out one dish this time.  Ree lives on a working ranch, it must be wonderful to cook and bake like her with the luxury of having the freshest ingredients.  She reminds me of tv drama series like Little House on the Prairie and Dallas evoking memories of times when the family will crowd around the tv waiting for a new episode every week.  Those were the days when we had only 3 channels to choose from and now we have God knows how many. I like her way of presenting each recipe, her step by step tutorial has large photos accompanying them (besides some humorous remarks) making it easy to follow and good for crosschecking if one is on the right track.

I tried out what Ree named as BBQ Comfort Meatballs.   Comforting food for lunch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, couldn't be better.  Besides, oats was on the ingredients list, I couldn't miss this chance to sneak some into my men's diet (got you my men, cunning smile on mummy's face...) 

The steps are easy except for the frying part, not difficult but not something i like doing or serving at home.  I made do with shallow frying.  These meatballs turned out delicious, soft and tender, meatloaf kind of texture and smelt really good.

My son was quite skeptical about the initial pairing of the meatballs with some greens and crusty french bread toasted with butter.  "Just this? " the young man questioned.

So, mummy went back to the kitchen and quickly made a second pairing for the starving young man who just got home from his Taekwando session.   And cowboy meal turned oriental with some instant egg noodles!  Those air dried type where all you need is to cook them al dente in some boiling water.  Toss them with a little shallot oil, a drizzle of soy sauce and a dash of salt and pepper.  Actually, Ree did suggest serving them with egg noodles tossed in melted butter as an option but i am not too sure if this is what she meant and the chinese in me gave the noodles an oriental drizzle instead.    Hmm, i wonder what will the cowboys say to this?  Funny, how i imagine them laughing until they fall off their chairs, err no, horses i mean :)  Jokes aside, i got a Yeehaw from my young man.  He happily polished it clean on top of adding another 2 meatballs to it.   Maybe, just maybe cowboys will give this pairing a Yeehaw too!

Note : Notes in blue are for half the recipe (which i made) and my variations


For Meatballs
  • 1-1/2 pound Ground Beef (350g minced pork)
  • 3/4 cups Oats (1/3 cup)
  • 1 cup Milk (1/2 cup)
  • 3 Tablespoons Very Finely Minced Onion (2 tbsp from 1 big onion)
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon Salt (1/2 tsp)
  •  Plenty Of Ground Black Pepper, to taste
 For Cooking Meatballs
  • 1 cup All-Purpose Flour (coating For Frozen Meatballs)-(1/2 cup)
  •  Canola Oil
 For Sauce
  • 1 cup Ketchup (1/2 cup)
  • 2 Tablespoons Sugar (1 tbsp)
  • 3 Tablespoons Vinegar (1 tbsp)
  • 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire (1 tsbp)
  • 4 Tablespoons (to 6 Tablespoons) Onion (remainder from onion left after adding to meatballs)
  • 1 dash Tabasco (1 tbsp chilli sauce)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (190C).
  2. Combine all meatball ingredients. Roll into medium-small balls and place on a cookie sheet. Place sheet in freezer for five minutes.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove meatballs from freezer and immediately dredge in unseasoned flour.
  4. Brown meatballs in canola oil until just brown. Place into a baking dish.
  5. Combine all sauce ingredients. Pour over meatballs and bake at 350 degrees (190C) for 45 minutes. Serve with egg noodles, mashed potatoes, or crusty French bread.


I'm linking this post to Cook Like a Star, an event co-hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy KidsBaby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out and Mich of Piece of Cake


  1. well done on ya !! ur meatballs remind me of the adverts of ikea's infamous meatballs....

  2. "Yeeeeeeeehawwwwwww"! I super like meatballs. And yours seems so flavourful and tasty! Great on noodles and spaghetti!

  3. Looking at those meatballs reminds me to try one of the recipes that I've been eyeing for months :P I love how you paired these meatballs with instant noodles though I would gladly consume the one with crusty bread and greens :D

  4. Looks good! The cowboys will get addicted if they tried your fusion noodle dish :)

  5. Yum...Your meatballs look wonderful. I follow the Pioneer Women's blog for a while and watch her show on TV too...but haven't really try her recipes yet. Sounds like this is a good one to get started. :) Thanks for sharing.

  6. Your meat balls looks so rich and flavorful! I love it!

  7. Meatballs tat hv oats hidden in them?! Haha, great idea, i'dlike to try this recipe :))

  8. Oh my.. what lovely pictures!!! Thanks for the idea!

  9. good morning! our chinese noodles are just as nice!..who knows..probably the cowboy and the cowgirl may even want second and third helpings..the sauce sounds delicious!

  10. Hi Lite Home Bake, same as you never got down to join Cook Like a Star event cos' afraid I ain't a 'star' in this. Nice way to cook meatballs. I supposed this dish can be prepared till Step 4? Last minute cooking in oven before serving, great.

  11. @Victoria: Thank you! Yes, they reminded me of Ikea's too!

  12. @Mel: Thank you for the loudddd YeeHaw, love it!

  13. @Anne: Thank you! Hope to see the meatballs from the recipe that you have been eyeing soon :)

  14. @Amy: Thank you! Hope you are going to like these meatballs too.

  15. @Mich: Thank you dropping by and the compliments!

  16. @PH: Thank you! Maybe cowboys will like them too, who knows :)

  17. @Esther: Yes, oats in them! I love it when i can quietly sneak them in :)

  18. @Lena: Thank you! Yeah, who knows, maybe they will love them too :)

  19. @Kimmy: I guess we can try the recipes and try cooking like a 'star' :) Yes, i think it's possible to have a short break between step 4 and 5 to serve it piping hot. Maybe it's better to cook it slightly better in step 4 and cut the time for step 5.

  20. "Yeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwww"! I hope that I have said this louder than Mel as my Yeehaw is slightly longer :p

    Like your East-West creation... meatballs can be so versatile and I'm happy to eat mine with instant noodles with soy sauce too :p


  21. These meatballs look so light and yummy!


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