Thursday 12 September 2013

Jelly Mooncakes, Just One More

My apologies if I am boring you with jelly mooncakes, i promise this will be the last one for this year!  I needed to put this on record for my future reference.  I made traditional ones too, my son was complaining already, in his words, he said he wanted to have 'real' mooncakes! So the mummy obliged for her son, for her loved ones and for tradition sake, after all what is mooncake festival without 'real' mooncakes :)  Post will be up next.

I am quite happy with the results after some twigging of the original recipe.  If you are looking for a nice dessert to make for the festival dinner, why not consider this one, it's pretty, it fits the occasion well enough and to top it all, it's red, the ever loved chinese color!  The nutty taste from the black sesame filling compliments the dragon fruit skin well.    

Source :Adapted from Mooncake Selections by Khoo See Yew

Ingredients for Filling 
  • 30g black sesame seed (toasted, then blended until fine)
  • 30 gm. caster sugar
  • 1 3/4 tsp agar-agar powder
  • 150 ml water
  • 100ml fresh milk
  • 50 ml coconut milk (20ml coconut milk mixed with 30ml water)
  • 1 blade of pandan leave
  1. Boil sugar, agar-agar powder, and water with pandan leave in a pot until agar agar and sugar dissolves. 
  2. Mix in grounded black sesame and stir to make it smooth.  Let the mixture simmer for 2 minutes.
  3. Lower flame and mix in fresh milk.
  4. Mix in coconut milk.  Turn off flame once mixture start to boil.
  5. Pour in small bowls and let it set.
  6. Remove from bowl, use a fork to scratch surface (top and bottom). This is to make sure the filling and skin will stick to one another. 
Ingredients for Skin
  • 100 gm. sugar
  • 4 tsp. agar-agar powder
  • 500 ml water
  • 100 ml coconut milk (50ml coconut milk mix with 50ml water)
  • 150 gm red dragon fruit (mashed with fork so that seeds remain visible)
  • 2 blades of pandan leave 
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp honey
  1. Boil sugar, agar-agar powder and water with pandan leaves in a pot until agar agar and sugar dissolves.
  2. Lower flame and mix in blended dragon fruit.
  3. Add in lemon juice and honey.
  4. Mix in coconut milk.  Turn off flame once mixture start to boil.
  1. Pour in some skin agar agar into mooncake mould (If a see-through effect is preferred (i.e. can see the filling), lessen the amount put in).
  2. When it is half set, put in the filling then pour the balance skin mixture into the mould until full. Let it set.
  3. Chill in the fridge before serving.


  1. These jelly mooncakes look pretty and yummy!

  2. Indeed your jelly mooncakes look beautiful and even have filling too.....

  3. Looks so tempting, especially with the beautiful colour.

  4. The jelly mooncakes look very beautiful!

  5. no la. not boring learning at the same time! only pity that i cant take one from the screen !

  6. Wow! These mooncakes look so lovely! Love the color! ;)

  7. Waa...very nice I prefer jelly than mooncakes actually:D less fattening keke!

  8. Hi, very beautiful and refreshing mooncake, love the color. :))

    Best regards.

  9. I am not bored at all! I am more than happy to admire your jelly mooncakes. Another beautiful one!

  10. So pretty! I always admire ppl who can create all this unique mooncakes.

  11. Ha ! Not boring for sure ! I love the gorgeous color so as the flavor , I bet it taste as great as it looks ;D


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