Thursday 2 January 2014

Mapo Phai Kuat

Let me make a guess, if you have heard of Mapo Tofu, you must be thinking Mapo what?? after reading the title of this post...Yes, you heard me right, it's Mapo Phai Kuat not Mapo Tofu :)

This is a simple twist of the popular Mapo Tofu dish done with soft bone pork ribs (aka Phai Kuat in Cantonese), the type which i like to use for steaming.   

Ever since trying out the Japanese version of Mapo Tofu recipe that my friend Lena posted when the Asian Food Fest event was featuring Japan, i have fallen in love with the recipe! This Japanese version is slightly milder in terms of the fieriness of a typical Szechuan version and there's a hint of sweetness coming from the use of mirin.  This toned down version suits my son well, making it something everyone in the family can enjoy.  I have cooked it many times.  It's a simple dish, one that can be done in 15 minutes yet very tasty and goes very well with rice.  It taste really delicious especially when you scooped it directly on top of a bowl of piping hot rice as soon as it is ready and start indulging from there on!

So, coming back to Mapo Phai Kuat...while still undecided on how to do my pork ribs,  this mapo tofu recipe came to mind.  And i thought, the mapo tofu sauce should make a great marinade for steaming too. And as they say, the rest is history, that plate of ribs turned out delicious!  I added some soft silken tofu to steam them together with the ribs too.  You won't get that maillard flavors that you will find in mapo tofu but you will get ribs that are just as tasty with the sauce infused into them.  Easy peasy, fast, healthy and tasty, can't ask for more!

Inspired byHer Frozen Wings with recipe from Just One Cookbook 

  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp ginger, minced
  • 300 gms soft bone pork ribs
  • 1/2 package silken tofu, slice into medium size pieces
  • 2 stalks green onions, sliced
  • 1 tbsp chilli bean paste ( doubanjiang with chilli)
  • 2 tbsp mirin
  • 1 tbsp miso
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
Thickening solution
  • 1tsp corn flour
  1. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl.
  2. Mix pork ribs with garlic, ginger and marinade.
  3. Set aside to marinade for 30 minutes.
  4. Before steaming, mix the ribs with a teaspoon of corn flour.
  5. Place ribs and tofu on a steaming dish.
  6. Steam over high heat for 20 minutes until pork ribs are cooked through.
  7. Sprinkle sliced spring onions on top of dish before serving hot.


  1. I like your inspiration for this post ~ Mapo Phai Kuat instead of the usual Mapo Tofu. I think with this dish alone is enough for me with a little extra rice too. Anyone in your family give you a thumbs up for this dish? I will give you two......

  2. I've to admit that I've never heard of mapo phai kuat. The first thing that I'll associate with mapo is 'tofu'. Yours is indeed a creation!

  3. @Mel: Thank you for the 2 thumbs up, love it! Oh yes, everyone in the family enjoyed this simple dish :)

  4. @Cheah: A simple twist of the original, thank you for the compliment :)

  5. Ade , you've just gave me an idea what to cook tomorrow night ! I love your take on this , spare ribs instead of minced pork but I still need to try the Japanese version of mapo tofu next time :D

  6. @Anne: Will keep my fingers crossed tomorrow hoping that you will like it ;-)

  7. hehe...tho rare but not surprised cos you are phai kuat lover!! nvr thought of that mapo sauce to make phai kuat but yeah, why not? i find that sauce is yummy! thx for the link back and have a lovely sunday!

  8. Oh yum! What a lovely twice to the Mapo Tofu. I'm sure the spare ribs add more flavors to this dish than just the ground pork. Can't wait to try this. Wish you and your family a wonderful 2014 ahead!

  9. I had mapo chicken before, but haven't tried it with pork yet. It does sound and look very delicious and tempting.

  10. Indeed a very simple and delicious dish, been a while since I last steam anything:P I am not a fan of steamed dishes so the family doesn't get to enjoy them too lol!

  11. I must missed Lena's post with this dish...

    Now, I know what is Mapo Phai Kuat... me mountain tortoise :p


  12. Why not, eh? Your Mapo Phai Kuat looks delicious and I know it is delicious! Guess what? I want to cook it too :)

  13. Sounds yummy and simple enough. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. Shall try to cook this soon.

  14. This is one of my very favorite dishes.

  15. we just love love love cooking with silken tofu and this utterly yummy dish is certainly going to be one of the favorites,thanks so much for sharing :-)


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