Thursday 29 August 2013

Kampar Curry Chicken Bun

One last post for MFF Perak.  This bun was made popular in Kampar hence the name Kampar Curry Chicken Bun.   The uniqueness of it is there is a curry chicken parcel wrapped inside the bun.  To eat it, one will have to tear/cut open the bun, unwrapped the parcel then dip the bun into the curry and eat it with the chicken.  I have made this a couple of times (and posted it too) and it's always very well received by family members and friends.   We usually have it for dinner.  

I normally make it in portions for individual serving whereas for the real mccoy it is one giant bun with most probably half a chicken in it to be shared out.  Imagine the size of the bun!  To get an idea of it, do hop by my friend Lena's place.   The other difference is i like sprinkling toasted sesame seeds on the bun :) 

A peak into the bun! Curry with soft, fluffy bun is just too tasty! 

To make this, you need to cook chicken curry and wrapped them in sweet bread dough.   You can use your own favorite recipes for them but here I am sharing a speedy recipe for the curry and a bread dough recipe which one can either hand knead or use a breadmaker.

Chicken Curry 

  • 3 whole chicken legs cut into 6 pieces each 
  • 1/2 pack of chicken curry paste (I used A1 brand) 
  • 1 big onion sliced and grounded
  • 2 stalks lemon grass, bruised
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Handful of curry leaves
  • 1 russet potato, cut in medium size cubes
  • 200ml water 
  • 50ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  1. Heat up oil and fry onion until fragrant.  Add in curry paste and continue to fry until smells fragrant.  Add in spices.
  2. Add in chicken and mix well until chicken turns opaque.
  3. Pour in water and let it simmer until chicken is cooked.  Add in potatoes half way through in order not to overcook them.
  4. Add in coconut milk.

Bread Dough
  • 300g bread flour
  • 200g plain flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 50g sugar
  • 2 tsp instant yeast
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • 200ml water
  • 60g butter
  • 1 egg
  1. Combine all dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar, milk powder and instant yeast in a bowl. Make a well in the center. Whisk and combine all wet ingredients: water and egg then add into the well of the dry ingredients. Knead until you get a dough shape and gluten has developed, then knead in the butter. Keep kneading until the dough is smooth, not sticky and elastic.  
  2. If  using a bread maker add all wet ingredients into bread maker first followed by dry ingredients. Add yeast the last.  Select Dough function.  Once the cycle completes, remove dough from the bread pan. 
  3. Shape the dough into a smooth round and place in a bowl. Cover and let it rise till double in volume.
  4. Punch out trapped air using knuckles.
  5. Divide into equal portions and shape into balls to make smaller buns or use whole if making one big bun.  (I managed to get 5 portions of 175g each).
  1. Wrap some chicken curry into a parcel with aluminium foil (I managed 3 pieces of chicken with 2 tsbp of potato cubes).
  2. Wrap the parcel with bread dough.
  3. Egg wash the buns and sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on bun.
  4. Bake @ 180C in a preheated oven for 20 minutes till golden brown.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Perak month hosted by 


  1. It reminds me of beggar chicken :-)

  2. This is very yummy. I remember the first time I had this was when my hubby tapao it all the way from Kampar to KL. We liked it so much esp the bread and then we tried to hunt for it in KL. Hey, we were so glad when we found that there's one restaurant in Batu Caves that sell this. Since then, whenever we feel like eating it, we would just call to book it. Unfortunately, the restaurant had closed down... :(

  3. Hi, your curry chicken bun look extremely good. The bread is very soft and fluffy...I might need 2 pieces please. :))

    Have a nice week ahead.

  4. Wow, wow, wow.......I actually wanted to make this too to support for the MFF Perak month but was unwell for the past week; so had to give this a miss. Your curry chicken bun looks nicely baked....I love homemade bun all the best!

  5. What a nice surprise in those buns!!

  6. Yours look so much better than the 'original'. I'll go for this. Long time I haven't make this, huh! Can I get some from you?

  7. It is fascinating that the chicken curry is hidden in the bun!

  8. Look yummy, wish to have this for lunch.

  9. @Angie: Now that you have mentioned it, have to agree with you that there is some resemblance :)

  10. @Ivy: Maybe you can give it a try and see if it's anything near what you like :)

  11. @Amelia: Thank you! Come, i will gladly share them with you :)

  12. @Mel: I hope you are well now. Thank you for compliments :)

  13. @Mr & Mrs P: Yes, it's a nice and tasty surprise :)

  14. @Kimmy: Thank you! Come, sure can share some with you :)

  15. @PH: Quite a brilliant idea from Kamparians :) It actually makes the curry tastier :)

  16. If I am not mistaken, Lukut in Negeri Sembilan also has a version of curry chicken bun. Quite a popular dish there. Yours look GREAT!

  17. I love the look of your huge bun! There is one shop in Klang selling bao with a bowl of curry chicken in it, quite similar to this except steamed.

  18. @ Yen: Thank you for sharing the bit about Lukut curry chicken bun, didn't know about it before this :)

  19. @Jeannie: Klang has its own version too? Nice to know :)

  20. this is one of the most tempting curry buns we have seen,so perfectly golden top with those white sesame sprinkle and a succulent curry hiding inside to make one blissful with each bite,seriously delicious recipe :-)

  21. I love the uniqueness of this curry chicken wrapped bun. It is a complete meal in itself.

  22. Ade , your curry bun look very tempting and for sure taste really good ! Wrapping the curry mixture into a foil then cover it with dough sounds unique and 'tis first time that I've seen that :D

  23. hi adeline, nice idea wor make it into individual ones..everyobe just tear their piece of bread. I had it recently in a restaurant here..the bread was nice but the curry wasnt nice at all :(


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