Friday 23 August 2013

Simply Eggs

I made this dish with a funny/cute/naughty name with the egg theme on Little Thumbs Up Event in mind.  I posted another one with funny name here quite recently if you are interested to read about it. A coincidence that it was chicken in the last one and egg in this one :)

Apparently this is a popular dish from Thailand.  There are many versions of the story behind the name.  Some say a son-in-law made them for his mum-in-law while the naughtier version goes the other way round where the mum-in-law will make them for her son-in-law when she suspects that he's misbehaving and this serves as a warning to to be good or ...

Whichever the truth maybe, this simple dish of lightly fried eggs drizzled in a sweet tangy sauce is quite appetizing and delicious.

This recipe comes in handy when there are some hardboiled eggs lying around, like during Easter or after attending celebrations like a baby's full moon or weddings.  An alternative to Sambal Telur, especially when something not too spicy is the choice of the day.

Source: Thai Table 

  • 2 sprigs cilantro
  • 2 - 3 Dried whole chilis
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 3 tablespoons Palm Sugar
  • 2 - 3 shallots
  • 1/3 cup cooking oil
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tbsp tamarind pulp mix with 3 tbsp water (remove pulp to get tamarind paste
  1. Boil eggs by adding cold water to cover the eggs in a small saucepan. Once the water starts to boil turn down the heat.  For eggs with runny yolks, let the water boil for 3 minutes and 5 minutes for hard boiled ones.  Pour out the hot water  and run the eggs under cold water for a few seconds then let them sit in a pot of cold water.  When the eggs are cooled, peel them.
  2. Peel and slice shallots thinly.
  3. Heat up oil in a wok.  Add eggs and fry until they are slightly browned.
  4. Remove eggs and drain out the oil.
  5. Fry dried chilli in the remaining oil.  Remove and drain out the oil.
  6. Fry shallot slices until golden brown.  Remove and drain out the oil.
  7. Remove any remaining oil from wok.  Over low heat, add palm sugar, fish sauce, water and tamarind paste.  Add extra water if necessary to get enough sauce. 
  8. Adjust taste to preference.  It should be a combination of 3 flavors, sweet, salty and sour in balance.
  9. Cut eggs into halves.  Pour over sauce. Add on fried chilli.   Sprinkle on shallots and cilantro before serving.

I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up "Egg" event organized by Bake for Happy Kidsmy little favourite DIY and hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.


  1. Interesting story and yummy egg :)

  2. A simple yet delicious egg dish with a fun name!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. I saw this "son in law" eggs in my Thai cookbook but couldn't attempt it since it requires deep frying. At least I can admire yours even if I dont get to eat it. Thx for linking to LTU!

  4. Hah! Hah! I saw this recipe in one of my cookbooks recently. I would be very happy to eat the eggs that your served. They look very delicious!

  5. You really did come up with a unique take on this week's recipe


  7. interesting name, and I bet it taste good too.

  8. I have heard of "son in law" eggs before but never know the story of this name. If I'm Thai son-in-laws, I will pretend to look at lots of pretty girls so that my mother-in-law will cook lots of these delicious eggs for me... LOL!

  9. @Angie: Thank you, a fun name indeed :)

  10. @Yen: Yes, the recipe requires deep frying but i actually shallow fried only to make it healthier :)

  11. @ Phong Hong: Thank you! It is a simple yet tasty enough :)

  12. @cquek : Thank you! Just trying to put in some fun :)

  13. @Kumars : Thank you! Simple are the things that you will see here simply because that's all that i am capable of :))

  14. @Zoe : Lol! But you have to beware lest you get into trouble with wifey :))

  15. hi, never heard of soninlaw or mil waht's the story behind if the son in law cooking for the mil? be a good mil and no suprise visits to the house?? hehe..

  16. LOL, interesting MIL & SIL story but this egg dish sure look delicious. Very inviting, I might need extra rice cos egg is my favorite.

    Best regards.

  17. Simple yet full of flavor and hearty ! Love it !


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