Tuesday 6 August 2013

Village Fried Chicken

This is my second post for MFF Perak.  I am not particularly familiar with Malay cuisine from the state although it is where i hail from.  The only dish that comes to mind is Rendang Tok :))  I did some searching and bumped into a few writeups that covered a Perak cuisine promotion at a hotel restaurant somewhere back in 2011. It has a good showcase of Malay Perakian cuisine that will leave one mouthwatering! 

One of the dishes featured was Ayam Goreng Kampung Tanjung Malim (aka Tg Malim Village Fried Chicken).  Apparently there is this small restaurant (or warong in Malay) that is very popular for Nasi Padang.  To those who are not familiar, Nasi Padang is rice served with dishes cooked in Minangkabau (ethnic group from West Sumatra) style.

Caught me by surprise as I have not heard of it although I come from Slim River (yeah, we are fortunate to be 'slim' people effortlessly!) which is very near to Tanjung Malim.

Coincidentally there was a recipe for this dish in the writeup by Big Boys Oven.  So i thought i will take this opportunity to try out something closer to home.  Here's Ayam Goreng Kampung Tanjung Malim, Big Boys Oven's take.  I must find an opportunity to try the real mccoy when i go back home the next time.

Kid's first bite before he ended up finishing 2 pieces...

If you have tried Malay style spiced fried chicken, this one is similar.  I used free range chicken so the meat is slightly tougher although i did take precaution not to overfry them.  There is a nice fragrance to the chicken although there are not too much spices used in the marinade.  I like that the onions and ginger are sliced and not minced as it ended up with lots of shallot and ginger crisps to go with the chicken when eaten with rice.  I made a simple dipping sauce commonly used with Malay dishes to go with it too.  Coupled with some greens it made a decent meal.

Recipe (variation in blue)
Source : Big Boys Oven 

  • 1kg Chicken, cut (I used 2 thighs and 2 wings around 600g)
  • 50gm Red onion, sliced
  • 30gm Garlic, chopped
  • 10gm Ginger, sliced
  • 10gm Chicken curry powder (2 tbsp)
  • 0.5gm Turmeric powder (1 tsp)
  • 0.5gm Curry leaves (2 sprigs)
  • 2nos Eggs (1 egg)
  • Cooking oil
  • Seasoning (1 tsp salt)
  1. Marinate the chicken with all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. Leave it aside for 30 minutes. (I left it for 2 hours)
  3. Heat up the cooking oil in a wok.
  4. Fry the marinated chicken till golden brown.
  5. Remove them from the wok and absorb the excessive oil with kitchen papers before served.
Dipping Sauce

  • 2 chili padi
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 shallot-sliced
  • 2 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp lime juice

1. Mix everything together.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Perak month hosted by 


  1. Hi, this chicken dish is really finger licking good. So flavorful and I can practically smell the fragrant scent from here. :))
    Pass some over to me....LOL

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  2. Me too... I'm hopeless knowing which food comes from which state. By the time I figure out, the event is over... ai ya!

    Your village fried chicken looks yummy. I reckon 600g of these delicious chicken wouldn't be enough a village to eat :p


  3. Oh wow, the first pic says it all. Just the pic itself already so inviting and I think I can even smell the aroma of the chicken. Look really delicious.

  4. Your Village Fried Chicken sounds perfect. I love the flavor. Using free range chicken is the way to go. I love the flavor way better than other chicken, although the flesh is firmer. Love how lean they are.

  5. slim lady, this looks very good!Make sure you when you balik kampung, try the real ones..:)))

  6. wow! I can't resist fried chicken done this way, sure to order at mamak stalls if I happen to be eating there...looks good!

  7. They look fingerlickingly delicious!

  8. I can't resist any fried chicken, this kampong style fried chicken sure taste very good!

  9. This is indeed finger licking good~

  10. This fried chicken is sure yummy! I wonder if it is similar to the one served at Village Park. I can't wait for my detox to be over hah! hah!

  11. This sure look sedap ! My grandeparent used to lived in Teluk Intan & the only food that I know that came from Perak is Kai Chai Peng & Heong pheng! I'm not even sure heong pheng originated from Perak !! ??? LOL Ya, we balik kampung during CNY so I only know most of the festive cookies ! hahahaha Good to know more yummy food from all the state . Very interesting indeed.

  12. Looks so flavorful!!! Yum!!! Saved this recipe for later...

  13. I shall call you slim babe from now onwards ;) Even eating all these delicious fried chicken wouldn't matter.. so let's eat more! Must be very fragrant.

  14. Ade , I wish I came from Slim River as well lol I never had homemade fried chicken for quiet sometime and looking at yours made me drool *sigh* These look scrumptious !

  15. This chicken looks great!! I just had chicken for dinner, but I would like some of this too ;)

  16. Thank you for compliments and stopping by, really appreciate it although i have been slagging. My apologies :(


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