Sunday 26 January 2014

A little Bit of Amos Pecan Cookies

So, i am still on my Chinese New Year cookie baking marathon although it will be here in 5 days! Actually i only have 3 more days, minus 1 from travelling time back to hub's hometown and another to help mil prepare the reunion dinner on the eve. But in hindsight i have done quite a fair bit, 5 type of cookies already with enough for some sharing.  What is left is to repeat the cycle so that i can have more to share with loved ones and friends :)

This one was made with the purpose of using the pecans that i have in stock.  Might as well make good use of them and turned them into something Amos like which is well loved by many.  A simple crispy and crunchy cookie with pecans and Andes mint chocolate chips in it, need i say more??  

Source: My Sugar and Spice And All Things Nice

  • 150g butter
  • 1/4 cup soft brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup castor sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 1/2 cup self raising flour
  • 1/2 cup choc chips (i used Andes mint choc chips)
  • 1/2 cup lightly toasted pecan nut halfs (you can replace it with white chocolate chip or any other nuts)
  1. Heat up oven to 180C degrees.
  2. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add yolk and vanilla essence and beat further.
  4. Mix flour, chips and nuts into batter with wooden spoon.
  5. Spoon batter onto baking sheet and bake for 10~15mins
  6. Cool on wire rack.
Note: Handle the cookies with care, as they tend to crumble easily.


  1. I am very sure these cookies are very yummy and addictive too. These cookies not only good for this CNY but it is as good all year round too.

  2. Looks good. Time is definitely flying by very fast. I stilll hv not done any preparations for reunion dinner!

  3. Your cookies look marvellous. I love the pecan on top. Happy New Year.

  4. looks soooo good. May everyday of this New Year
    Glow with happiness and cheer
    For you and your Family.

  5. Whoa this is so good! I happen to have a packet of pecans in the fridge but no time to bake. Will keep your recipe for after CNY. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  6. Love pecans! These cookies wouldn't last long in my house.
    Happy Chinese New Year!

  7. yeah, i think many were into the cookie baking marathon, initially i wanted to bake this and that but didnt manage too. I think no one would get tired of these kind of choc chip nut cookies :)

  8. Hi, this cookies look inviting. Love the andes mint choc in it, very delightful.

    Best regards.

  9. I've done several batch of cookies and pineapple tarts before CNY but haven't taken any photos of anything *sigh* I can't remember that last time I've eaten Famous Amos cookies but I've seen one FA shop here . Your cookies look really good and yeah , nearly the same as FA cookies :D


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