Tuesday 28 January 2014

Old Time Cookies - Kuih Siput

This is for old times sake, not exactly a cookie, more of a snack that my family used to make for Chinese New Year.  And yes, it's been so long since we had this :(  Wonder how many of my Chinese friends out there had this for CNY?  Do you make them still?

If I am not wrong, this snack has a Malay origin, i only know it by its Malay name which is Kuih Siput translated it means Snail/Shell Cakes (i like to think of it as shell which it resembles).  It's crunchy, savoury and spicy which makes it something very nice to munch on especially with a nice can of cold beer, very addictive i warn you!  

My memories recall my Mum mixing the dough and frying it while Pa (plus my sister and I as the little helpers) did the shaping with a grooved board similar to making gnocchi.  My Pa was very skilled at it, he even made his own board for this!  Unfortunately Pa can't recalled where he kept them when i asked him the other day.

I look at a few recipes but was quite lost in terms of the best water/fat ratio.  I had a pretty good idea of the spices that were in it though, so i played around twice and i am going to put the second attempt down for my future reference.  The shaping takes quite a bit of effort, i am still wondering how was it possible that we made them by the tins back then, given that there were 4 of us but still, it's quite a job...

  • 150g all purpose flour
  • 30g butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • 1 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 tbsp fennel seeds, pounded
  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds, pounded
  • 1 1/2 tbsp dried shrimps, washed, soaked for 10 minutes then pounded
  • 50ml water
  • 1/2 egg (lightly beaten)
  1. Sift flour then mix with salt, chilli powder, fennel, cumin and dried shrimps.
  2. Rub in butter.
  3. Mix in egg and stir well.
  4. Add in water gradually and mix until a soft and smooth dough is formed.
  5. Take a pinch of the dough, press it on a grooved board to get the imprints then using the thumb push it away from you, the piece of dough will roll up forming the shape of a seashell.
  6. Heat up oil in a wok or frying pan.
  7. Fry the shells over medium heat until golden brown.
  8. Ensure shells have cooled before storing in an air tight container.
  1. These are meant to be tiny morsels, making them big will result in shells that are so crunchy.
  2. Fry over medium heat, high heat will caused them to brown too easily. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I certainly remember this from so long ago. I really cannot remember when I last had this tasty snack. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. I shall definitely try to make this. Happy New Year to you and family.

  2. Thank you for this recipe. I remember I make this once many many years ago before blogging. Cant remember where I have filed the recipe already but I remember that recipe has some shallots in it. I will definitely try this one day though it can be quite hard work too. Bet it must be crunchy and very aroma taste. Happy new year and Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and to your family! Have a wonderful Horsey year ahead!!!

  3. Sounds wonderful. I dont think I've ever eaten this before, nowadays the version is mini popiah filled with dried shrimps(dunno if it's the same thing) :P

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Chinese New Year! All the best for the Year of the Horse. :)

  4. Oh wow! Noe I remember this snack. It has been a while since I ate them. Absolutely love the spicy fragrance. But so much work! Here's wishing you and your family Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  5. This cookie is so old-fashioned, I still remember my mom made this during CNY when I was a kid. Not sure why I have totally forgotten this snack..Ok next year I must try this out. Wishing you a Happy CNY and Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  6. no, i hv never had this before and it's delighting to see how you shaped them. must be a lot of effort taken to shape this...they look cute to me too! also wishing you a Happy Lunar New Year and have a fantastic, fruitful and healthy horsey year!

  7. Oh no, I do miss this kuih siput!!! Here's Gong Xi Fa Chai to you and may you gallop into a prosperous and healthy New Year!!

  8. Oh I've not eaten this for ages. You bring back find memories :)

  9. Hi, Wow... I sure love this but haven't make this for the longest time. Very adictive kuih siput, hard to stop munching. Yours look awesome... pass some over please! :))

    Have a nice week ahead.

  10. Ade , the ingredients sounds wonderful so I'm sure it must tastes delicious ! I've forgotten to check out the shops ( planning to take some photos but as usual , got lazy ugh ! ) that sells these kind of CNY goodies so I don't know if they're selling it here :P

    May the Year of the Horse bring you and your family good health , happiness and good fortune ! Kung Hei Fat Choi !!!!!

  11. This is new to me...they look so fun and delicious!


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