Sunday 6 April 2014

Anytime is Coffee Time

Did you miss your morning coffee?  Let's have it with some ribs over dinner :)  Weird? Somehow coffee and ribs does sound a little strange doesn't it?   They say it's a popular dish here and across the causeway.  I have read about it a couple of times but strangely i have not tasted it, i must have been going to the wrong places! Recently, i was reminded of this dish again when i saw it at Veronica's Kitchen.

Apparently this is a dish where the ribs are deep fried then coated with a coffee sauce.    This cooking method where ribs are deep fried then coated with many different type of sauces are quite popular in Chinese restaurants.  Probably because the deep frying part can be done in advance making it something that can be done in a jiffy.  It only involves a simple stir frying and coating with the sauce for the final touch.

It may sound simple but i never fancy doing the deep frying part for health reasons and the hassle of cleaning up after.  Health can't be a better excuse for laziness!  Instead of deep frying, i marinated the ribs with the sauce then pan fried them for some crisp bits (some cheat here to mimic deep fried ones) then braised it for awhile to make it tender. 

Coffee flavor did come through, thankfully!  I used Nescafe Cap Columbie which has a fruity flavor.   There's slight bitterness coming from the coffee with a mix of sweet sourish taste and a little spiciness coming from the chilli sauce blended into the meat. Ahh, quite a mouthful trying to describe it, but it does taste quite special, something worth giving a go if you are a coffee lover :)

Inspiration: Veronica's Kitchen

  • 500g pork ribs
  • 1 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp chilli sauce
  • 2 tbsp tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp instant coffee powder with 1 tbsp hot water to dissolve coffee powder
  • 1 tbsp corn flour
  • Roasted sesame seeds
  • Cucumber slices and strawberry halves 

  1. Mix pork ribs with marinade ingredients and set aside for an hour.
  2. Heat a deep frying pan and add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the oil is hot, add the spareribs (without the marinade). Cook them over medium heat until all sides are brown.
  3. Pour in remaining marinade and add water until just enough to cover the ribs.  Stir to mix well.
  4. Simmer until ribs are fully cooked and tenderized.
  5. Remove about 1 tablespoon of the sauce and allow it to cool.
  6. Dissolve corn flour with the sauce that has been removed then pour it back into the pan to  thicken the sauce.
  7. Garnish with some sesame seeds and serve hot.  Strawberries make a pretty garnish and went well with the sauce too.
  1. I cooked everything in a pressure cooker that came with a stir fry function.  I stir fried it then allow it to simmer for 15 minutes before pressurizing it for 10 minutes.
  2. The amount of coffee can be reduced according to preference and type of coffee used. 


  1. Hi, heard of this dish but I yet to try it out. Your look delicious, I need extra rice. LOL

    Have a great week ahead,regards.

  2. I bet it must be very tasty. I love the sounding of coffee flavoured sauce.

  3. I am a coffee person....if I dont have my coffee in the morning, I dont think I can get by the day smoothly. You know something, I recently bought a book on Coffee, the recipes on sweet as well as using it to cook meat too. I ask my hb just yesterday....whether he will like coffee to cook in spare ribs, he told me "sounds funny". Huh! I wanted totry cooking dishes with coffee and he gave me this answer! I will try it out one day. But I am glad and please to see you make your way. Bet it must be really delicious.

  4. I have heard of coffee with ribs too but have yet to taste. I am quite apprehensive about deep frying ribs because I am not sure if the meat will become tender enough.

  5. Ade , don't tempt me :D I read about this coffee-rubbed ribs at Serious Eats last time but the meat needs to be grilled in a smoker which I don't have *sigh* This recipe though is very doable and from the look of those sticky ribs , it must be very delicious !

  6. Hi LTB, Nescafe pork ribs! Sounds interesting and yummy too. Should be very sedap just at the look of it.

  7. Interesante combinación debe ser aromático me encantó su receta,abrazos

  8. First time I heard of ribs with coffee sauce was during a cooking class with Sam Leong. Apparently he's famous for it. Have not tried it before though.

  9. First time I heard of coffee in savory dishes! sounds like my kind of dish, unfortunately my boys are not coffee lovers yet! I shall just drool over yours which looks really appetising from my screen:D

  10. You know Adeline, I have heard so much about coffee ribs but have never had the chance to try it or come across it in any restaurants. Maybe it's time I make my own following your recipe,. It certainly sounds super finger licking good!


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