Wednesday 2 April 2014

Stack It Your Way!

Watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution has in some way influenced my son's eating habits, in a good way that is which i am thankful.  I guess it's always much easier for stars to get a message across to these children than their nagging mums :)  He was shocked to know how much sugar went into flavored milk and what kind of meat was used to make burgers in some fast food joints.  

It was school holidays last week and son asked if he could have burgers on one of the days with homemade patties and buns. And preferably how Jamie Oliver would have made them, he added! Now look who's doing the challenging these days!

I followed what Jamie named as basic burger recipe, according to him it's possible to add in more herbs and spice once this basic recipe is mastered.  It's interesting to note that the recipe calls for cream crackers to give the patties a crunch.  I substituted with wholemeal crackers instead as i didn't have any of those.  Since the recipe calls for minimum seasoning, you taste the actual flavors from the beef instead.

As for the buns, i used a sweet bun recipe that i am familiar with. We stacked our burgers to our hearts content, lettuce, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, avocados and topped it with a grilled portobello mushroom with melted cheese on top :)

Suffice to say my young man had 3 of these in a row, mum had one though she wouldn't mind having another :)

Recipe - Patties
  • 12 Jacob's cream crackers (Wholemeal crackers)
  • 8 sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 500 g quality minced beef
  • 1 large free-range egg
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Olive oil
  1. Wrap the crackers in a tea towel and smash until fine, breaking up any big bits with your hands, and put them into a large bowl (Place crackers in a ziploc bag, press with hands and a rolling pin to smash them until fine).
  2. Finely chop the parsley, including the stalks. Add the parsley, mustard, if using, and minced beef to the bowl. Crack in the egg and add a good pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. With clean hands, scrunch and mix everything up well. Divide into 6 and pat and mould each piece into a roundish shape about 2cm thick. (Divided according to size of my buns, enough for 9 buns) 
  4. Drizzle the patties with oil, put on a plate, cover and place in the fridge until needed (this helps them to firm up).
  5. To fry patties, preheat a large griddle or frying pan for about 4 minutes on a high heat prior. Turn the heat down to medium.
  6. Place the patties on the griddle or in the pan and use a spatula to lightly press down on them, making sure the patties are in full contact. Cook them to your liking for 3 or 4 minutes on each side.
Recipe for buns here.
Note: Reduced sugar to 40g.

To make hamburgers
  1. Cut buns into half, spread on some butter and place on griddle for a 1 minute.  
  2. Stack bun with a choice of lettuce, shredded carrot/cabbages, tomato slices, avocado slices and grilled portobellos.
  3. Add on dressings like mayonnaise, mustard or tomato/chilli sauce if preferred.
I'm linking this post to Cook Like a Star, an event co-hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Joyce of Kitchen Flavours and Mich of Piece of Cake.



  1. Just few minutes ago I was thinking of making burger buns and there you are posting burger patties. I love watching Jamie in action on TV and find his cooking is simple andquick to prepare too. Having the crushed cream crackers mixing in sounds wonderful as part of ingredients. Wait till I baked my buns first.

  2. Your burger looks FAB! I enjoyed this very much too when I made it last year!

  3. @Mel: Telepathy? Lol! Hope to see yours soon :)

  4. @Angie: Thank you! Nowadays i tend to put in a little more thought about substituting with healthier ingredients, and i must say you have been influential :)

  5. @Emily: Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. This recipe is indeed a keeper :)

  6. Your burger looks scrumptious! I have Jamie's Revolution book, and this recipe was bookmarked for ages! Got to find a nice weekend to make this for the whole family!
    Thanks for linking!

  7. I like the way of Jamie Oliver educated kids about food. Everything doesn't need to be fatty, salty and sweet to be delicious. It is the taste that matters! Nice that you are feeding your little strong man these yummy burgers.

  8. Sounds really delicious, everything made from scratch huh! Good mummy:) So much goodness in the burgers!

  9. What a great looking burger! It is good that your boy is into healthier foods.

  10. Hi, this is really delightful, make one for me please. :))
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe.

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.

  11. @Joyce: With the book you must have many more great recipes to try :) Thanks for visiting!

  12. @Zoe: Yes, i must agree that JO has done a very good job educating the kids :)

  13. @Jeannie: Thank you! Once we spoil them with homemade food, they will continue asking for the spoiling :)

  14. @PH: Thank you! Having more homemade food from young does teach them a lot about healthier eating :)

  15. @Amelia: Come, come be my guest, it will be my pleasure :)

  16. Buen complemento me encanta las hamburguesas,abrazos

  17. I love Jamie's recipes ! Most of his recipes are doable and you can sub most of the ingredients :D This recipe sounds really simple and easy to make . Your son is so lucky to have a Mom who loves to cook !

  18. Your burgers sure look great!

  19. good morning ! everything sounds deicious..your son can proudly tell his friends in school that he has a jamie oliver at home :D

  20. @Anne: Agreed, especially his 15 minutes meals :) I am thankful for my little guinea pig too lol

  21. @Mich: Thank you! Homemade ones though may not be as tasty as commercial ones, they are more comforting :)

  22. @Lena: Hahaha, that was funny!

  23. drool worthy good and we have started feeling hungry after looking at that beautiful food click,thanks so much for sharing this awesome recipe :-)


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