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Girls' Best Friend

Bright and sparkly. Gemstones came to my mind when I was removing this Dragon Fruit and Orange jelly from the mould. Like a combination of gemstones...rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Finally...One Humble Roll

Visits to Aspiring Bakers posts (a collection of creations based on a theme) have always been literally jaw-dropping! I am completely bowled over by the level of mastery and creativity displayed by fellow bloggers. Although I would very much like to join in the fun, I never gathered enough courage to make the step with my novice skills....

Monday, 25 July 2011

Chicken Rice Malaysian Style

Of late, our country has been attracting some attention, unfortunately of the wrong kind. Nothing that has left us feeling proud except for the bit on Penang's Assam Laksa getting the No. 7 spot on the world's Top 50 delicious food, based on CNN International food survey (The Sunday Star, 24 July 2011). Way to go Penang! A lot of...

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Battle of the East

Steamed dishes, they pop up on our dinner table at least twice a week . I guess most of us know the many benefits of steaming our food pretty well. Less oily, retains nutrients, colors and smell, most of all our body will love us for it. Added to that, there's this big fat bonus of it being the easiest, fastest and cleanest method. No...

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Jelly Good Cake

Coffee, i never get bored of it. I wish i could say the same for a lot more things, life would be a lot easier, or wouldn't it? Never mind :)I was craving for something with coffee aroma, yes again. I stumbled on this one at Aunty Yochana while I was contemplating whether to make a coffee chiffon. This looks fairly light compared to a full...

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Carrots for the Rabbit in the House

"Carrots for the rabbit in the house", that's what I told little one when he asked what was in his lunch box. He gave me that "Oh no, my mum has gone crazy! Wonder what has she been up to?" look. I like it when he does that, feels like the tables have been turned around, my turn to be naughty :) He knows too well that he's my guinea pig. I am...

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Monkeying Around

Monkeying around to make some Monkey bread. Heard of them but never got to try them. It was curiosity about its name that attracted me to it. Common sense tells me there's no monkey in it, so what's the monkey about it then??According to Wiki, this is an American bread. However, the origin of its name is uncertain. Possibly because it resembles...

Friday, 8 July 2011

Gemstone Jelly

Doesn't it look pretty? It's jelly but gemstones came to my mind when I was removing it from the mould. It's like a combination of gemstones! Rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one! Imagine having gemstones as big as these, nice... Unfortunately, my photo may not do it justice. A little overboard maybe, but it won't hurt to let one's imagination...

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Yam Cake ~ More Inspirations from Ah Mah

The recent post on Long Bean Rice which was a tribute to my Ah Mah (meaning Grandma), inspired a cousin to start a blog of her own dedicating it to our Ah Mah. The thoughts of having a collection of stories about Ah Mah, just like having a memoir for our family to cherish and share with our generations to come was elating. Although tears...

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Savoury Buns

Our breakfast this morning. Savoury ones, this time. Made two varieties, namely Ham and Cheese and the other was a simple Spring Onions with Cheese. The bread dough was based on a tang zhong method shared by fellow blogger. In fact, this is not the first time I made buns using her recipe and that's simply because i like the outcome. The bread...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Light and Fluffy...Again

Chiffons! Yes, I am still loving them. After a few successful attempts, I have gathered the courage to try many more interesting flavours. I am going to declare this as the apple of my eye for now. It tasted really good. It soared above expectations, the flavours blended into each other so well. A good blending of some sweetness, sourish and saltiness,...

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