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Girls' Best Friend

Bright and sparkly. Gemstones came to my mind when I was removing this Dragon Fruit and Orange jelly from the mould. Like a combination of gemstones...rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Blissful Happiness

If you have read my previous post, you would know I was awfully late for Christmas, so I promised myself  I must have something up for the Chinese Lunar New Year before it arrives.  The Chinese have this tradition of ushering in the new year with lots of auspicious sounding dishes especially during our reunion dinner.  These dishes...

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Missing Christmas?

Happy New Year! May the year be filled with blessings for all of us.  6 days down, another 360 (yes, we have an extra day this year) to go, so I guess it's still not too late to wish for a blissful 360 days! With Christmas behind us and Chinese New Year around the corner, I know something christmasy sounds way late, something auspicious to...

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