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Girls' Best Friend

Bright and sparkly. Gemstones came to my mind when I was removing this Dragon Fruit and Orange jelly from the mould. Like a combination of gemstones...rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Bread Basics ~ Buns

I am going back to the basics these days (plain laziness in disguise actually) when it comes to bread making.  Instead of trying out the more sophisticated methods, i went back to good straight dough method recipes.  I shared a  simple straight dough method milk loaf recipe recently and this one here is a recipe from Chef...

Monday, 26 May 2014

From Incredible India

Asia Food Festival blogging event moves on from Korea to India this month.   My family and I are more familiar with the spicy side of Indian cuisine although there's a whole kaleidoscope of diversity that we have yet to experience.  Very limited exposure i must say but we have always enjoyed this side of it.  Breakfast items like the...

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Classically Sinful!

This is a classic Chinese dish.  Let me guess,  the first thing that catches your attention would be those fatty layers and then the word sinful follows suit :)  Yes, guilty i am!  I know it's unhealthy but there's something about how meat and fat are nicely layered in pork bellies that make them irresistible!  And paired...

Monday, 19 May 2014

Plain Basics from Who's Who

This is a big name! Wu Pao Chun is not only a famous baker in Taiwan but he made waves internationally when he clinched the title of Master Baker in the bread category of the 2010 Bakery Masters competition (Les Masters de la Boulangerie)  held in Paris. It is said that people throng his bakery everyday to buy his award winning Millet Wine, Rose...

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

It's Magic!

If you have not tried Shio Koji, trust me, you have got to go look for it!   I have read that some of the Japanese people call this their magical seasoning and i tell you i can't agree more!  It is really, really delicious and the best part is it's so versatile and simple to use!   All you need is basically this one seasoning and...

Friday, 2 May 2014

I Not Stupid, Mum!

Lotus root soup is very popular among the Chinese.  We believe it is nourishing and has a cooling effect.  A typical version is made with either pork ribs/chicken, peanuts and red dates, a pretty simple concoction but results in an amazing taste.  Among other variations that are just as delicious are those with the addition of root...

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