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Girls' Best Friend

Bright and sparkly. Gemstones came to my mind when I was removing this Dragon Fruit and Orange jelly from the mould. Like a combination of gemstones...rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one!

Monday, 18 April 2011

Lace Crepes?

What is in a name? Everything or nothing? A rose by any other name smells as sweet, so the proverb goes :) Nah, I think there is something in a least for me.When I saw how the humble Roti Jala (which most Malaysians would know) was 'christened' Lace Crepes over the Net, all I could say was Wow! How glamourous! Like how Cinderella became...

Thursday, 14 April 2011

For the Joy of Sharing

A family member caught the bug! She was influenced by my baking adventures and has started on her own journey. When she sent me a photo of her first bake and how they added a little dash of their creativity into it plus the joy and excitement from her kids because they can now bring homemade bread in their lunch boxes, i was all warm and fuzzy...

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Say Cheese!

I guess there's no way one can run away from growing up in every aspect of life, it comes so naturally. In this case, it was getting into a tougher baking horizon (at least by my standards) after getting tired of the more classic bakes. I tried my hand on the Japanese Cheesecake. I love this cake, thanks to the ever innovative nature of the Japanese,...

Friday, 1 April 2011

The King of Fruits is Back!

Durians! They are in season! Hate them or love them! Little one and I just love them. We love them fresh or in cakes, muffins, ice creams and desserts, you name it :)Since the weather is so hot (but with some unpredictable rain showers), I chose to try making some ice cream. This is the first time I am trying to make my own ice-cream. Little...

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