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Girls' Best Friend

Bright and sparkly. Gemstones came to my mind when I was removing this Dragon Fruit and Orange jelly from the mould. Like a combination of gemstones...rubies, amber and diamonds, all in one!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Fruity Braided Bread

These are literally hot from the oven! Nuh, not anymore, but they were when I started writing this which was right after tasting it :)   So, if you are looking for a bread recipe to try, you could really consider this. So, what's this? Braided bread, I made 2 different flavours with one recipe.  I secretly (not so secretly...

Friday, 23 September 2011

Green Green Taste of Home

I had the strongest desire to write this down almost immediately.  This is the first time I am making this ever since I started this blog.  Nostalgia, this dish brings back lots of cherished memories from the yesteryears not only for myself, possibly for many of you who are reading this too.   If I am making you miss home a lot more,...

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Japanese Coconut Custard Buns

Bread making is almost a weekly routine after picking up the know how.  Bread is such a convenient breakfast provided the family doesn't get bored of them.  I made these yesterday after discovering Christine's blog.   She has quite a few variations made from a tangzhong method base recipe which by far is my favourite break making method...

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

You Make My Life Special

Happy Birthday, son! I hope you had a great time. Each year on your birthday, I celebrate the blessings for being your mother for another year too.  It's through His grace that our souls are entwined together through this special bond that I treasure above all. As you grow from a little baby to a fine young man in years to come, my precious son...

Friday, 16 September 2011

There but not there yet?

If this is not your first visit here, I hope you noticed my new look. I have been toying with the idea to give the blog a new look for awhile. On one hand, I yearn to have a new look, on the other I was worried I would create a mess out of the whole thing and end up doing fixing and cleaning up instead of getting a new one. All it takes is just a missing...

Friday, 9 September 2011

Snowy Finale

I am dedicating this post to my little sister thousand of miles away, I love you and God knows how much I miss you especially during festivals. I know you are touched but please don't roll those tears :p You should be smiling at those lovely little mooncakes :)One last batch of mooncakes before the festival. Gave in to the temptation to try making...

Monday, 5 September 2011

Rush Rush, Hurry Hurry for your Mooncakes

It was like yesterday that I asked myself if it was too early to start making mooncakes, believe it or not, the festival is around the corner already, just a week away to be precise! In no time many of us will be rushing to either buy, make or eat these cakes! This will be my wrap up post on Jelly Mooncakes. I made quite a fair bit for own...

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